
[Laravel 扩展包]Laravel Honeypot(蜜罐):防止垃圾信息通过表单提交

1128 2024-05-23 18:44:00



安装完该包后,你只需将 x-honeypot blade 组件添加到表单中。

<form method="POST">
    <x-honeypot />
    <input name="myField" type="text">

该包也支持手动传递必要的值到视图层,这样你可以简单地将 honeypot 字段添加到 Inertia 驱动的应用中。


通过 Composer 安装该包:

composer require spatie/laravel-honeypot


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Honeypot\HoneypotServiceProvider" --tag=honeypot-config

配置文件内容将会发布到 config/honeypot.php:

use Spatie\Honeypot\SpamResponder\BlankPageResponder;

return [
     * Here you can specify name of the honeypot field. Any requests that submit a non-empty
     * value for this name will be discarded. Make sure this name does not
     * collide with a form field that is actually used.
    'name_field_name' => env('HONEYPOT_NAME', 'my_name'),

     * When this is activated there will be a random string added
     * to the name_field_name. This improves the
     * protection against bots.
    'randomize_name_field_name' => env('HONEYPOT_RANDOMIZE', true),

     * When this is activated, requests will be checked if
     * form is submitted faster than this amount of seconds
    'valid_from_timestamp' => env('HONEYPOT_VALID_FROM_TIMESTAMP', true),
     * This field contains the name of a form field that will be used to verify
     * if the form wasn't submitted too quickly. Make sure this name does not
     * collide with a form field that is actually used.
    'valid_from_field_name' => env('HONEYPOT_VALID_FROM', 'valid_from'),

     * If the form is submitted faster than this amount of seconds
     * the form submission will be considered invalid.
    'amount_of_seconds' => env('HONEYPOT_SECONDS', 1),

     * This class is responsible for sending a response to requests that
     * are detected as being spammy. By default a blank page is shown.
     * A valid responder is any class that implements
     * `Spatie\Honeypot\SpamResponder\SpamResponder`
    'respond_to_spam_with' => BlankPageResponder::class,

     * This class is responsible for applying all protection
     * rules for a request. By default uses `request()`.
     * It throws the `Spatie\Honeypot\ExceptionsSpamException` if the
     * request is flagged as spam, or returns void if it succeeds.
    'spam_protection' => \Spatie\Honeypot\SpamProtection::class,

     * When activated, requests will be checked if honeypot fields are missing,
     * if so the request will be stamped as spam. Be careful! When using the
     * global middleware be sure to add honeypot fields to each form.
    'honeypot_fields_required_for_all_forms' => false,

     * This switch determines if the honeypot protection should be activated.
    'enabled' => env('HONEYPOT_ENABLED', true),


首先,你需要将 x-honeypot Blade 组件添加到你想保护的表单中

<form method="POST" action="{{ route('contactForm.submit') }}")>
    <x-honeypot />
    <input name="myField" type="text">

此外,你也可以使用 @honeypot Blade 指令:

<form method="POST" action="{{ route('contactForm.submit') }}")>
    <input name="myField" type="text">

使用 Blade 组件或指令都会添加两个字段: my_namevalid_from_timestamp(你可以再配置文件中修改其名称)。

接下来,你必须在路由中使用处理表单提交的 Spatie\Honeypot\ProtectAgainstSpam 中间件。该中间件将拦截任何含有 my_name 非空值的请求。如果提交请求的速度快于包在 valid_from_timestamp 中生成的加密时间戳,它也会拦截该请求。

use App\Http\Controllers\ContactFormSubmissionController;
use Spatie\Honeypot\ProtectAgainstSpam;

Route::post('contact', [ContactFormSubmissionController::class, 'create'])->middleware(ProtectAgainstSpam::class);

如果你想集成 Spatie\Honeypot\ProtectAgainstSpam 与 Laravel 内置认证路由,可以使用合适的中间件组包装 Auth::routes() 声明(确保将 @honeypot 指令添加到认证表单中)。

use Spatie\Honeypot\ProtectAgainstSpam;

Route::middleware(ProtectAgainstSpam::class)->group(function() {


// inside app\Http\Kernel.php

protected $middleware = [
   // ...

在 Inertia 中使用

使用 Inertia 时,必须手动传递蜜罐字段中使用的值。以下是一个示例:

// in a controller
public function create(\Spatie\Honeypot\Honeypot $honeypot) 
    return inertia('contactform.show', [
        'honeypot' => $honeypot,

你的前端将获得一个带有以下键名的 honeypot 对象:enablednameFieldNamevalidFromFieldNameencryptedValidFrom

以下是如何使用 Vue 渲染这些值的示例:

<div v-if="honeypot.enabled" :name="`${honeypot.nameFieldName}_wrap`" style="display:none;">
    <input type="text" v-model="form[honeypot.nameFieldName]" :name="honeypot.nameFieldName" :id="honeypot.nameFieldName" />
    <input type="text" v-model="form[honeypot.validFromFieldName]" :name="honeypot.validFromFieldName" />

然后,在 Vue 组件中,将这些值添加到表单数据中:

props: ['honeypot'],

data() {
    return {
        form: this.$inertia.form({
            [this.honeypot.nameFieldName]: '',
            [this.honeypot.validFromFieldName]: this.honeypot.encryptedValidFrom,

Livewire 中使用

你可以使用该包阻止垃圾提交到 Livewire 驱动的表单。

首先,将 UsesSpamProtection trait 添加到 Livewire 组件:

use Spatie\Honeypot\Http\Livewire\Concerns\UsesSpamProtection;

class YourComponent extends Component
    use UsesSpamProtection;

接下来,声明 HoneypotData 属性并在方法中调用处理表单提交的 protectAgainstSpam() 方法。

use Spatie\Honeypot\Http\Livewire\Concerns\HoneypotData;

class YourComponent extends Component
    // ...
    public HoneypotData $extraFields;
    public function mount()
        $this->extraFields = new HoneypotData();
    public function submit(): void 
        $this->protectAgainstSpam(); // if is spam, will abort the request

最后,在 Livewire Blade 组件中使用 x-honeypot

<form method="POST" action="{{ route('contactForm.submit') }}")>
    <x-honeypot livewire-model="extraFields" />
    <input name="myField" type="text">

Volt 函数语法中的用法

要在 Volt 函数语法中使用此包,请在 guessHoneypotDataProperty 方法中返回 HoneypotData 属性。 


    // ...
    'extraFields' => null,

mount(function () {
    $this->extraFields = new HoneypotData();

$guessHoneypotDataProperty = fn () => $this->extraFields;

$submit = function () {
    $this->protectAgainstSpam(); // if is spam, will abort the request


默认情况下,任何在 1 秒内提交的受保护表单都将被标记为垃圾。当运行端到端测试时,应该尽可能快地运行,你可能不希望这样。

要禁用代码中的所有蜜罐,可以将 enabled 的配置值设置为 false

config()->set('honeypot.enabled', false)


当检测到垃圾提交时,默认情况下包将显示一个空白页面。你可以通过编写自己的 SpamResponse 并在 honeypot 配置文件的respond_to_spam_with 键中指定其完全限定的类名来自定义此行为。

有效的 SpamResponse 类应该实现  Spatie\Honeypot\SpamResponder\SpamResponder 接口。以下是一个示例:

namespace Spatie\Honeypot\SpamResponder;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

interface SpamResponder
    public function respond(Request $request, Closure $next);

尽管垃圾邮件响应程序的主要目的是响应垃圾请求,但也可以在那里做其他事情。例如,可以使用 $request 上的属性来确定垃圾的来源(可能所有请求都来自同一个 IP),并设置一些逻辑来完全阻止该来源。

如果包错误地将请求判定为垃圾,那么可以在中间件中,通过将 $request 传递给 $next 闭包来生成默认响应。

// in your spam responder
$regularResponse = $next($request)


要自定义生成的输出内容,你可以发 honeypot 视图:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Honeypot\HoneypotServiceProvider" --tag=honeypot-views

该视图位于 resources/views/vendor/honeypot/honeypotFormFields.blade.php。其默认内容为:

    <div id="{{ $nameFieldName }}_wrap" style="display:none;">
        <input name="{{ $nameFieldName }}" type="text" value="" id="{{ $nameFieldName }}">
        <input name="{{ $validFromFieldName }}" type="text" value="{{ $encryptedValidFrom }}">


检测到 垃圾时,会触发 Spatie\Honeypot\Events\SpamDetectedEvent 事件。它右一个 public 属性 $request